Choosing Costume-Con’s Location
For those new to Costume-Con, the con is run like Worldcon on a bid system; local groups must bid to host the con in their city.
At each Costume-Con, all attending and supporting members can vote for Site Selection of the CC three years from that date (for example, voting for the CC32 Site Selection took place at CC29).
This year we will be voting on the location for Costume-Con 35 in 2017. You can visit the CC34 table at the con for more information and for voting (they will be receiving and tabulating the votes). Voting costs $10, but if the site you voted for wins the bid, that $10 counts towards your membership.
You can download the ballot here, and submit it in person at the con; there will also be copies available at the con. If you are registered as a member of CC32 but are not attending the con, please contact us to send in your ballot via email.